Monday, 18 October 2010

FILM: Scripting

Scripts save valuable time during filiming, as all descions on what happens throughout the film are already made although alterations may be made at a later stage due to creative decisons from the director who may feel as though the diologue could be made more effective to the audience. Directions are a prominant feature in our script as we plan to tell the story mostly by visual rather than diologue, this follows the trends of most short films that i researched which also consist of a small amount of diolouge. I believe this way will be more effective to the audience and as it gives them freedom to make their own interpretation of the short film rather then 'telling' them. Our group made sure that the stage directions would convey how we wished our charcters would come across to the the audience without the help of a sufficient amount of diologue.

Below is a sample of our script.

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